3. Best Works

Below you will find a list of my best works written in ENGL 301:

Definition Assignment

In this assignment, we were asked to define a technical term o a non-technical audience using three different types of definitions, which included parenthetical definition, sentence definition, and expanded definition. The term I defined was Object-oriented programming, which is a term I learned in my computer science class. It was hard for me to grasp this term at first, which is why I want to be able to define it in a way that would be easy to understand for non-technical readers. However, I received feedback from my peer in the peer review process that some words used in the definition was too technical. I realized that I need to further simplify my definition such that it would be accessible to a wider audience. As such, the peer review process was really valuable to me in this assignment.

Revised Definition Assignment

Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

In this assignment, we were asked to performed a peer review for the definition assignment. I reviewed my team member Helen’s definition. It was my first time performing a peer review like this, so I wasn’t too sure on how detailed I should make my peer review. Nonetheless, I gained experience on how to structure a peer review to make the document clear and easy to read.

Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys

For this assignment, we were asked to investigate and create a recommendation on how to act upon an inefficiency in a public setting that we have recently been a part of, such as a workplace, a volunteer or a community organization. I decided to investigate the lack of ergonomic study setups for students at UBC. It was very easy for me to come up with this idea since I have a background in physiotherapy, and it is an issue I am very passionate about. This is my first time composing a technical document like this so it seemed overwhelming at first. However, having the progress report with an outline of the report and a tentative writing schedule helped me stay on track and organized when writing my draft.

Revised Formal Report Proposal

Progress Report with Surveys

Proposal Memo

For this assignment, we have to write an email memorandum addressed to Dr.Paterson about the completion of our formal report proposal. This assignment allowed me to practice composing professional memorandums to communicate information effectively, such as the use of bullet points to summarize a list of contents in my formal report.

Revised Proposal Memo

LinkedIn Best practices memo

In this assignment, we were asked to make a list of LinkedIn Best practices. Although I already have a LinkedIn profile prior to this assignment, it helped me learn about features that I did not previously know about, which gave me more ideas on how to build an online presence and expand my professional network.

Revised LinkedIn Best practices memo

Memo to Evan Crisp

In this assignment, we had to provide advice on how to write a professional email to professors demonstrating the for-you attitude. This is a concept I did not previously know about, and I believe it will be a very beneficial to understand how to utilize the for-you attitude while constructing professional emails and/or documents.

Revised Memo to Evan Crisp

Peer Review of a Formal Report

In this assignment, we were asked to perform a peer review on a team member’s formal report. I have always found the peer review process to be very helpful as I was able to compare my work to others in order to double check that I also had all the required components, and also get exposed to other perspectives that further strengthen my writing.

Revised Peer Review of a Formal Report