2. About Me

My name is Sangita and I am currently studying Computer Science at UBC. Prior to that, I was studying Medical Physiology and Kinesiology at The University of Waterloo with an intention of furthering my studies in Physiotherapy. While working at a motor vehicle accident rehab clinic, I saw a lot of inefficiencies in the way the clinic was operated, and how patients were receiving care. I began researching ways to find a solution and it led me down a rabbit-hole of healthcare technologies, many of which are still in its infancy stages, or has not been widely used across the healthcare industry. This got me really interested in how technology can be used to help people, and was compelling enough for me to switch careers with a goal of becoming a software developer in the health-tech field. In my previous degree, I also minored in psychology, so I have decided to take several psychology courses at UBC to further supplement my studies. I am very intrigued by how various cognitive processes can dictate human behaviours and emotion (why people act the way they do), and how of biological, psychological, and environmental factors play a role in various cognitive abnormalities. In the future, I would like to interconnect my studies in computer science and psychology and apply it toward areas of machine learning.