Sangita's Web Folio

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Self-Assessment Reflection Blog

Weaknesses As a writer, I have identified some weaknesses that I need to work on, including not providing enough details and not reading instructions carefully. In cases where I am explaining a complex concept, I have a tendency to assume that my audience has the same level of knowledge as I do and this can […]

Web Folio Reflection

Organizing Web Folio For the very last assignment of ENGL 301, we were tasked with creating our own Web folio to highlight a specific topic based on the intended audience. For example, for students planning on pursuing graduate school, they may want to create a web folio that highlights academic achievements and future aspiration. I […]

Unit 3 Reflection Blog

Researching, Organizing and Writing the Formal Report Draft  For my formal report, my research included primary data gathered from an online survey, and secondary data from literature relevant to my topic. Gathering data from secondary sources wasn’t a huge challenge for me, as I have extensive experience conducting literature reviews, analyzing published research studies  and […]

Unit 2 Reflection Blog

LinkedIn Best Practices Assignment For this assignment, we were asked to research and study best practices for professional networking on LinkedIn and then share our findings with our writing team. I thought this was a very useful and practical task because as we step further into the digital era, it has become increasingly more important […]

Unit One Reflection Blog

Original Drafting Process: In unit one, we were assigned to define a technical term for a non-technical audience. My term is object-oriented programming. I chose this term because it is a term that I recently learned in my computer science course, but it is very abstract and technical, so I would like to be able […]

Email: Professional Writing Team Request for Helen

To: Helen Zhou, English 301 Student <> From: Sangita Dutta, English 301 Student <> Subject: English 301 Professional Writing Team Date: February 1, 2023 Dear Helen, Thank for the opportunity to work together in a professional writing team for this semester of ENGL301. I appreciate you for taking the time and effort to review my […]

Email: Professional Writing Team Request for Tanya

To: Tanya Mozafari, English 301 Student <> From: Sangita Dutta, English 301 Student <> Subject: English 301 Professional Writing Team Date: February 1, 2023 Dear Tanya, Thank you for taking the time and effort to review my application and reach out to me about forming a professional writing team together. I have reviewed your application […]

Email: Professional Writing Team Request for Emilyn

To: Emilyn Sim, English 301 Student <> From: Sangita Dutta, English 301 Student <> Subject: English 301 Professional Writing Team Date: February 1, 2023   Dear Emilyn, Thank you for taking the time reach out and inquire about forming a professional writing team together. I have also reviewed your application letter and believe your expertise […]

Writing Letter Application Letter Memorandum

Memorandum To:  Dr. Erika Paterson From: Sangita Dutta, ENGL 301 Student Date: January 25, 2023 Subject: Writing Team Application Letter Submission to Blog   Please note that I have completed and posted the application letter to be a part of the ENGL 301 writing team on my blog. The application letter includes my: interest to […]

Letter of Application for ENGL 301 Professional Writing Team

Dear fellow ENGL 301 peers, Please consider my application to be apart of the professional writing team for ENGL301 2023W session. I am currently studying Computer Science as part of the BCS program at University of British Columbia. Previously, I graduated from the University of Waterloo with distinction in Honours Medical Physiology and Biology. In […]

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