Sania's ASTU 100A Blog

What about me as a Global Citizen?

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It’s been a month and half here at UBC and I remembered that about a month ago, everyone in the CAPS stream of Global Citizens had to answer the question ‘what (or who) is a global citizen?’, and I could sum that up in fifty words after giving it a bit of thought. However, when I asked myself, ‘what about me as a global citizen?’, a dozen other questions followed that question with intertwined thoughts of my life so far. I feel that I’ve been exposed to many different cultures,…read more


Persepolis and My Memory

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In my ASTU 100 class, we’re currently working on the graphic memoir called ‘Persepolis’ by the Iranian-French writer, Marjane Satrapi. In which Satrapi presents her childhood growing up during the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the war with Iraq. I read this graphic memoir about four years ago as a part of my leisurely reading, and now coming back to it for my ASTU course, I realize that as I went along reading it, I’ve grown a new perspective on this graphic memoir. I probably even started reading it this…read more


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