My Responsibilities in “Kitsilano Neighbourhood House”
Something I have learned
1. Soft Skills
2. Hard Skills
These days I ‘m almost adapting my works(soft&hard skills).
From these works I also learn how to manage time during my works.
3. Culture & Working Environment
I found some cultural things during my internship.
Firstly, I found “Low power distance” what we learned in intercultural communication course. It was really impressive the relationship between boss and employee is easy and friendly.
Secondly, I experienced “Individualism” from my lunch break in workplace. In cas of our country we usually have a lunch in groups. Also lots of things(time, menu etc.) are depends on boss during lunch time. However I haven’t found that kind of things in my workplace. I usually eat alone and I can do anything during my lunch break. I know this is just a small example. But I felt this is a part of “Individualism”
From this precious time I have learned lots of things so far. Actually I’m a introvert person. So it is hard for me to approach other people first. However during my internship there were many chances to talk with coworkers and clients. It was valuable time for improving my communication skills and adapting working envionment. Moreover I learned various hard skills. Such as recording receipts, sending a fax etc.
I think the greatest achievement from my internship is “I get confidence.”
Because I have confidence, I firmly believe that I can do better in my future workplace.