Blackberry: Does it have a future?


Layoff: BlackBerry announce that it would be cutting 4,500 jobs unleashed a flurry of pessimistic speculation over the future of the beleaguered Waterloo, Ont., company, with some predicting it may simply cease to exist.(Source:

The cost of layoff is nearly four times more than that they expected. Even though they can go back to the break-even point,its still hard for them to make profit.

Losses: Late to a smartphone market.Because of this,we may see a much smaller and leaner BlackBerry, focusing on seveal vital businesses, most likely software and services,which leads to less and less revenue.

Who is the buyer?  I think there’s no single potential demand.Everyone is aspiring to have an iPhone.An iPhone is more good-looking,popular,fashionable and functional than a blackberry.In this case,only few people who cares about the privacy safety would consider buying a blackberry.Here, price is a less important factor.People try to buy an iPhone no matter they can afford it or not because of group psychology and vanity.SO, there are fewer an fewer people who would buy a blackberry.

Taken those factors above into consideration, it’s really hard for Blackberry to develop a good future.



Twitter: exploring a new revenue stream

   ( PICT. Source: The rbutr Twitter-Reply Widget Is Now Twice as Awesome!

From class 4, I first got in touch with Business Model Canvas. One of the elements is Revenue Stream that consists of Asset Sale, Usage Fee, Subscription Fees, Advertising etc.

People use twitter more than ever.Examples of Twitter’s influence abound. The recent finale of Breaking Bad generated a record 1.24 million tweets. The conversation peaked at 22,373 tweets per minute according to analytics firm SocialGuide. People used the hashtag #GoodbyeBreakingBad nearly 500,000 times.(Source:

Twitter is exploring using TV-related advertising ahead of IPO.This strategy makes the revenue rise dramatically. The platform makes Twitter users who may have seen or could be interested in their TV program to see real-time videos. It also allows marketers to communicate with viewers who saw their TV ads, extending commercial pitches to consumers’ smartphones and tablets.

There also exist weaknesses.What we must notice is that social media user group is different from the television audience.For example, the comedy “the big bang” which has more than 20 million CBS audience does not rank in the top ten in Twitter.


JAL: Is Airbus a more adorable choice for JAL?

Japan Airlines is buying its first-ever jets from Airbus in a deal with a list value of 950 billion yen ($9.5 billion US). The purchase of 31 A350 planes deals a blow to U.S. rival Boeing, which had been JAL’s star supplier for decades.(Source: Bob Edme/Associated Press)

Why does Japan Airlines choose Airbus over Boeing?  —- “best match for our needs.”

Boeing and Airbus have waged a slugfest in airline market all over the world for years. The commercial battle also leads to a years-long legal fight at the World Trade Organization between the two plane makers over government subsidies or other forms of state aid.Recently,the battle has paid attention to sales of the new style jets ——long-range, wide-bodied jets.During the severe competition, Monday’s order demonstrates Airbus A350 holds a safe lead against Boeing’s 787.

Behind the domination of Chicago-based Boeing Co. are the historical ties between Japan and the U.S., including security arrangements. But in recent years, other Japanese carriers, especially the newer low-cost airlines, have been gradually switching to Airbus.Boeing said Monday’s deal did not hurt its relationship with JAL.(Source:

Taken security and economy into consideration, Airbus A350 is a more adorable choice for JAL.Japan is a small country with a dense population.There are a certain number of airports and the routes are busiest in the world, in which case,Airbus A350 get a chance to enter Japan’s airline market. However, Boeing has accounted for more than 80 percent in Japan’s airline market, which means it is still a severe challenge for Airbus to dominate the market.

APEC: China grabs limelight with US hobbled

Asia-Pacific leaders attend a retreat session at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) Summit on the Indonesian resort island of Bali on Monday, Oct 7, 2013. China took centre-stage as Asia-Pacific leaders opened an annual economic summit in the shadow of global growth clouds that are darkening by the day with the US government paralysed by infighting.

Although there has been a slowdown in economic growth recently, Xi insists that its growth will be robust for that China’s growth and other indicators are within reasonable expectations. “I am deeply convinced the Chinese economy will sustain its sound growth”,  Xi said in a keynote address at the CEO conference.

China is trying to shift away from a growth model that has relied heavily on investment in construction and polluting industries, which aims to promote more consumer-oriented, high-tech development.

Quality and efficiency are what China’s economic growth needs to improve, likening the process to finding one’s way to a “new village”.Meanwhile, China must undergo structural reforms, even if it involves a sacrifice of speed.


Draining a pond to catch fish is no formula for sustainable development.

If we hesitate or are indecisive, we will not succeed and all our previous gains will be lost.