(Source: http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/blackberry-hit-with-shareholder-lawsuit-1.1913852)
Layoff: BlackBerry announce that it would be cutting 4,500 jobs unleashed a flurry of pessimistic speculation over the future of the beleaguered Waterloo, Ont., company, with some predicting it may simply cease to exist.(Source:http://www.cbc.ca/news/does-blackberry-have-a-future-1.1862945)
The cost of layoff is nearly four times more than that they expected. Even though they can go back to the break-even point,its still hard for them to make profit.
Losses: Late to a smartphone market.Because of this,we may see a much smaller and leaner BlackBerry, focusing on seveal vital businesses, most likely software and services,which leads to less and less revenue.
Who is the buyer? I think there’s no single potential demand.Everyone is aspiring to have an iPhone.An iPhone is more good-looking,popular,fashionable and functional than a blackberry.In this case,only few people who cares about the privacy safety would consider buying a blackberry.Here, price is a less important factor.People try to buy an iPhone no matter they can afford it or not because of group psychology and vanity.SO, there are fewer an fewer people who would buy a blackberry.
Taken those factors above into consideration, it’s really hard for Blackberry to develop a good future.