Zappo : happy customers and employees

In business field , happiness is often considered as a result of profits, not a driver.However the truth is that every customer and employee want to  be happy.Tony  Hsieh, CEO and founder,who keeps that in mind fueled his success.

There are seveal ways to get customers happy :

1.provide good quality products with a low price

2.provide a great service to satisfy the customers

Most companies fail to reach the second criterion.You want your customers happy,you should let your employees happy in the first place.Only if you provide them with a pleasant and comfortable working environment and fair wages,they could be productive.As I know, Zappos’ attributes are as following:

  • They believe in a personal and emotional connection with customers. And the people handling customer service do not use a script for as they say “you can’t script a conversation!” This was my favorite communication take-away.
  • All products are photographed on a humans, not mannequins. That way the consumer can truly see how the shoes look like as a true size 8.
  • Every order received is packaged and sent within two hours if the items are in the warehouse which is located in Kentucky, right next to UPS’ main hub.
  • Staff are encouraged daily to send thank you’s to customers that they want to acknowledge in some way. They can send a card, a cookie basket or flowers to any customer of their choosing. They also can tape a video singing Happy Birthday to a Zappos consumer. Everyone loves that special attention.
  • The company offers food in the cafeteria and drinks non-stop.  Also, if you get a bit sleepy and can’t drive home, there’s a room where you can take a nap.
  • Even though as you walk the floor it appears that people are just having fun and chatting with other workers, but there is work being done. This fun atmosphere motivates others to do the best they can for they love their company.

I was surprized when I first saw the viedo in Commerce class.Tony ,the CEO , is sitting among all other employees with a small messy desk.The working atmosphere is harmoneous and happy. Every worker is  very courteous, polite and respectful.Creating a wonderful organizational culture is the key to success.


(image from : )

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