Twitter: exploring a new revenue stream

   ( PICT. Source: The rbutr Twitter-Reply Widget Is Now Twice as Awesome!

From class 4, I first got in touch with Business Model Canvas. One of the elements is Revenue Stream that consists of Asset Sale, Usage Fee, Subscription Fees, Advertising etc.

People use twitter more than ever.Examples of Twitter’s influence abound. The recent finale of Breaking Bad generated a record 1.24 million tweets. The conversation peaked at 22,373 tweets per minute according to analytics firm SocialGuide. People used the hashtag #GoodbyeBreakingBad nearly 500,000 times.(Source:

Twitter is exploring using TV-related advertising ahead of IPO.This strategy makes the revenue rise dramatically. The platform makes Twitter users who may have seen or could be interested in their TV program to see real-time videos. It also allows marketers to communicate with viewers who saw their TV ads, extending commercial pitches to consumers’ smartphones and tablets.

There also exist weaknesses.What we must notice is that social media user group is different from the television audience.For example, the comedy “the big bang” which has more than 20 million CBS audience does not rank in the top ten in Twitter.


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