Electric Zoo Deaths

The rave scene had its heyday in the 90’s and now more recently has seen resurgence due to EDM, or electronic dance music, which has been “for the last two years, … the fastest-growing musical genre in North America” (Kot). Entire music festivals take place revolved around EDM, attracting hundreds of thousands of patrons. These festivals could rival any standard concert; they are gargantuan productions, with massive visual accompaniments to the equally immense sound. Tragically, however, “psychedelic light shows” (Mckinley Jr., Sisario) are not the only additional feature at these festivals. Rather, EDM festivals have become known to be “underscored by drug use and reckless behaviour” as well (Makarechi).

One drug in particular thought to be commonly present is known as “molly,” the supposedly pure form of MDMA. In fact, police suspect it is this drug that was responsible for the deaths of two attendees of the Electric Zoo festival earlier this month (Mckinley Jr., Sisario). This incident raises the question of whether or not festival organizers should be held accountable for not being more diligent and ensuring the safety of the environment for their patrons or whether they are already fulfilling their purpose in its entirety already putting on the festival at all.





Kot, Greg. “Will America’s love of dance music go the distance?” British Broadcasting Corporation. 2013

Makarechi, Kia. “Some Thoughts On Deaths At Electronic Zoo, Dance Music And Drugs” Huffingington Post. 2013.

Mckinley Jr., James C. and Sisario, Ben. “Drug Deaths Threaten Rising Business of Electronic Music Fests” The New York Times. 2013


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