Power in Wit: Netflix’s Clever Strategy

Nick Taylor-Vaisey discusses in a recent blog post for Maclean’s the streaming behemoth, Netflix, and how its particular approach to content acquisition is yielding it handsome returns.

That is, Netflix actually examines activity on file-sharing websites popular among frequent pirating individuals in order to determine which purchases to make and extend to members. By doing this, the company has affected the halving of BitTorrent’s activity following its most recent endeavour venturing into the Netherlands. Finally, Taylor-Vaisey additionally divulges that some analysts are forecasting that through utilizing this clever approach, Netflix will be able to attain a valuation near to $75 billion.

Referring back to Carson Woo’s video lecture on Management Information Systems, it is easy to distinguish that this is precisely what Netflix has in place. Moreover, it is visible due to Woo’s informative video that said MIS is responsible for Netflix’s continued success, for the company has a very sturdy MIS, one that has allowed corroboration of all the data essential for determining and executing strategically genius steps such as observing activity among file-sharers.



Taylor-Vaisey Blog


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