GSK Medicine Bank: Creating shared value in Thailand

Nowadays, some companies that are emerging are starting to creating share value, an example is GlaxoSmithKline in Thailand.  The article talks about how the company is making a priority to raise the access of medicine and bring pricing line with gross national income. This is a very attention-grabbing article since in class we were talking about how companies are starting to create share value. The company started increasing the access of medicine by creating partnerships with the Red Cross and Royal Thai Army to provide deliver, sanitary supplies and doctors for rural areas.

The Royal Army provides medical and sanitary supplies to areas that have suffered from floods in 2011 and conflict zones in the south.


The Red Cross provide health education and vaccines to these under privileged that are suffering with illnesses that may lead to death.

In my opinion, creating share value is one of the most important things in a company. A business should not only create high profits by selling expensive goods, they should create a way in which they are making profit and also helping the community.

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