Final Project: Describing Communication Technologies


Taking the notion of reciprocal relationships between communication needs, invention, and practices as a scaffold, extensively research a particular development in technologies for writing and reading and the implications it had on literacy and education. You may work with a partner if you wish.

You may produce either a video documentary, a podcast, an infographic poster, or a written piece based on your research. Regardless of medium, you must contextualize the technological development historically and culturally, taking into consideration the needs that such a development addressed and the existing practices that shaped it. You will also suggest what implications this development may have had for literacy and education.

The technical requirements for this assignment vary depending on the chosen mode of delivery.

  • For podcasts: The audio should be 10 minutes long (+/- 1.5 minutes of leeway) per person, excluding credits. Credits should be given at the end of the audio. The references can be added in a separate document or in a post to your personal webspace. The URL of the reference document should be mentioned in the audio recording.

My Final Project:

You can listen to my podcast: Text & Technology, below or, click the link HERE.


References Podcast

2 Thoughts.

  1. Great job Sasha! It’s crazy to think that the hashtag has been around for over 10 years and the creator was able to foresee some of the impact.

    Hashtags made an appearance in my final project too, with the top food hashtags being used tens of millions of times!

    • I know – when I started my research I couldn’t believe how Messina had described his goals for the hashtag and what he wanted it to become – and yes!! All the food hashtags!! πŸ™‚ Checking out your final project now!

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