Midterm Blog Evaluation

  1.  Assignment 2:4   https://blogs.ubc.ca/sashini/2020/02/09/assignment-24/
    • This blog post I explored the two creation stories, the “Genesis” story and the “Earth Diver Story.”  I said that King emphasized the believability of the Earth Diver Story because the “Genesis” story creates animosity in society and highlights values such as hierarchy, punishment and and right and wrong, while “The Earth Diver Story” values cooperation and acceptance.
  2. Assignment 1:3 https://blogs.ubc.ca/sashini/2020/01/17/assignment-13/
    • I explored the concept of written culture and oral culture and if they can be distinguished. I reached the conclusion, that they are too interchangeable and more fluid to be boxed away in 2 separate concepts.
  3. Assignment 3:2 https://blogs.ubc.ca/sashini/2020/03/01/assignment-32/
    • I researched the Royal Proclamation of 1763, and whether it supported Coleman’s arguments of the project of white civility.  I found that it does because it puts British values beyond other people and restricts the rights of non British people.

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