King James Debut

LeBrons $300 shoes leave sneakerheads worldwide shaking their heads about the ridiculous sticker price. Bad move on Nikes part for expanding into an untapped, highly elite and ambitious high end basketball market? There will always be buyers willing to spend the money for the best equipment for their sport, and Nike is testing the boundaries with the newest addition to their basketball line. Nike soccer cleats can cost easily upwards of $300 and these cleats happen to be some of the best selling cleats in the market. Nike hockey gear easily costs above $300, and just like soccer these dominate the industry. Although there is a higher degree of technology and materials included in producing hockey skates, that doesn’t stop Nike from producing some of the most expensive skates available for consumers. Whatever the sport, Nike is producing top of the line, expensive equipment that is accepted by consumers everywhere. People will always pay to have the shiniest newest flashiest gear if they believe it will get them the leg up on what opponent they face. Basketball shoes are generally much cheaper than other sports gear but hey, nothing ventured nothing gained. Good step Nike, even though the shoes taking that step cost $300.

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