More losers in the 2012 Presidential Campaign than just Mitt Romney

This years presidential campaign was filled to the brim with controversy. In the recent elections the rise of super PACs (Super Political Action Committees) have been driving the elections, pouring huge sums of money in, in favor of their supported politician. Generally the politician with the most amount of money backing their campaign cleans up, but this race was different. This year Karl Rove, through the use of his groups blew through over a billion dollars, and gained little to no returns on the money invested. Almost all of the politicians sponsored by Rove’s super PACs lost their races.

Huge sums of money were directed towards funding vicious attack ads on democratic runners, proving to be of little to no use. Super pacs mask the voices of the people who happen to be voting, and serve to some extent, indoctrinate citizens. They strip the power out the people voice, and replace it with a fabricated voice supplied by the highest bidder. For that reason, the 2012 election was an extremely important one in Americas history, proving that while money may buy all the advertising and brainwash campaigns a party needs, the peoples will is ultimately what counts.

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