A dark day for the world of snacks

A major blow has been dealt in the world of snack foods. Hostess, the makers of twinkies and other various treats has declared they will be going out of business. A recent strike has economically crippled Hostess, so much so that even if the workers conducting the strikes had a change of heart it is still “too late” to recover. Hostess has been plagued with economic crisises since 2004 when it first filed for bankruptcy, but this latest development will prove to be its last. Roughly 18,500 workers will lose their jobs as a result, adding to current unemployment line facing the states today. Leading up to the closing Hostess was in bad shape. After attempting to pass a new contract that would slash workers salaries and retirements benefits resulted in a strike from the unions of bakers, confectionaries and tobacco and grain millers that make up 30% of the companies work force. Production for Hostess products ground to a halt, and sales accordingly plummeted as clients will not stock the products if supplies are not adequate. Hostess, who nets $2.5 billion in sales a year, is hoping to sell of its 30 signature lines in order to retain some sort of cash. Twinkies will forever live on in the hearts of people worldwide for their hilariously unhealthy reputation and their delicious taste.

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