Re: A Yahoo-Facebook Search Engine Would Be A Brilliant Move For Both Companies–Here’s Why, Business Insider

Yahoo, Facebook! A new search engine involving the two internet giants may be in the works. There has never been a better advertising method than search engines. When a user searches something through a search engine advertisers pay big bucks to show up in the search results, giving Google the 40 billion in annual revenues they enjoy today. Currently, Facebook boasts an incredible 1 billion active monthly users and Yahoo claims 80 million. The two giants possess a huge global distribution. Facebook has a massive range of unique consumer data due to its nature as a social network. It knows the ins and outs of customer tastes allowing for more effective targeting from ad agencies. By allowing Yahoo to tag along with Facebook’s famous brand, top programmers can be attracted and tune Facebook into a top tier search engine. As of now money is slipping through Facebook’s fingers as valuable advertising dollars are lost. Current Facebook users do not want to be looking at ads when they are browsing the site and communicating with their friends. Instead, if Facebook can develop a search engine with Yahoo that wont be flashing ads in consumers faces they can cash in on the huge population of users on the site. If Facebook added a search feature somehow billions could be added to the bottom line every year, no questions asked. Facebook stocks, although taking a bit of a dip lately, might be looking up in the near future. Yahoo!

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