Apple’s Horrific Ethics

Apple’s appalling actions and their company’s ethics are no longer any secret, yet it is still thriving as an organisation. I don’t think most people see the true horror under all the glamour that is Apple inc.  Apple has long been known for their complete disregard for human life, most of their products are produced in labor sweatshops overseas, but what most people don’t realise is that besides that Apple has a lot more to be sorry for, The company is also documented as to have contracted suppliers that routinely disrespect the environment,  these suppliers are infamous for creating false documents to cover up their labor practices, their mistreatment of women and their use of unsafe equipment.


Apple is also infamous for its secrecy, covering up the illness of Steve Jobs so that they would not lose market shares and sending the police after a journalist who released a picture of the new iPhone. Open Information may as well be one of the most ethical business practices and in that regard Apple fails miserably. These are the reasons that even though Apple produces huge profits each year, it is never rated as one of the best places to work and also ranks low on Greenpeace and ClimateCounts.

Newer reports keep coming in with more accounts of Apple’s unethical behaviour, it’s recent ties to Jabil Circuit, a company owns factories in western China, has brought Apple under scrutiny again. Apple continues to astonish and disappoint, all while turning a profit.




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