Marketing is Vital

The world of business is complex. Full of uncertainty and perils, it seems as if I’m comparing the corporate world to an action movie, but if that was true, Marketing would be the guns and explosions part of it. Basically, what I’m suggesting is that Marketing is essential to the success of any business.

Marketing has a lot more going for it than people give it credit for, most people link Marketing with advertising and public relations, but Marketing has so much more to offer. Not only does Marketing protect your brand image it is also in charge of building it, every time someone recognises your company, you should be thanking your Marketing team. Marketing even decides the customer segment that your products are targeted towards, and gets involved and works with your accounting department in building your budget. Marketing can make or break a business.


We have seen so many successful Marketing campaigns emerge and be one of the core reasons contributing to the success of some of the biggest businesses in existence at this moment. Take Nike for example, one of the most recognisable brands in the world, their brand logo and slogan “Just Do It” is world renown and is often credited for the brand’s success.

Here are some links to my favourite and some of the most successful advertisements and Marketing campaign plans:

(Redbull’s brilliant “gives You Wings Campaign and its workings)-  

(A lesser known but still impressive Nike advertisement)-

(A brilliant way of promoting safety by Metro Trains Melbourne)-


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