Wow, That’s Coal!

‘Clean Coal’ makes a debut in Canada. A one of its kind revolutionary coal factory has just been opened on the 4th of October in Saskatchewan, Canada.This factory is fitted with technology to capture and store most of the carbon dioxide produced at its boilers. Statistics show that around two-thirds of the approximately 30 gigatons of carbon dioxide released by humans each year comes from the power sector and industrial activities.


So its amazing to hear that Canada is leading the charge to cutting and minimising CO2 emissions in North America even beating out the U.S with regards to technology like this. This was a huge project that is gonna revolutionise the coal industry, even though with power alternatives like solar energy emerging, coal is still a massive industry and this project had a total of around $1 billion federal grant backing it. I look forward to seeing what the emergence of this awareness in the coal industry leads to and what kind of impact it has on the business world.

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