Legalised Marijuana and Farmville? A Great Combo!

Tom Bollich, a man who was one of the founding members of Zynga. Surna inc. a company that manufactures equipment for the legal marijuana industry with a focus on disruptive technology, equipment and related support services. You would never think to put those two together, would you? Think again. Bollich believes that the legalised marijuana business is the next “Gold Rush”. He said and I quote “It’s kind of like Internet gaming was when Zynga started, except this isn’t a hits-driven business. People get tired of games, but I haven’t seen many people who get tired of pot.”



The legalised marijuana business has the potential of being a multi-billion dollar business. You can even see the potential of this business here, The British Columbia cannabis industry is worth an estimated $6 billion annually,and produces 40% of all Canadian cannabis, making cannabis among the most valuable cash crops in the province. This business is a gold mine just waiting to be dug up. Tom Bollich clearly has better vision than most, Surna states that its air-chilling systems are not as energy-efficient as their water-chilling products. The company’s products run from $1,200 for a small system to nearly half a million dollars for a very large one. Tom even has further plans and wants to branch into broader agriculture and server farms. I admire Tom’s entrepreneurial mind set and wish him the best of luck in his endeavours. It’s great to see the potential the business world has and all the different paths it leads you to.


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