Monthly Archives: January 2015

2.1: Home is where the heart is.

“Where are you off to, son?” August lowered the newspaper he was reading and focused his gaze on the spot where the voice had come from. A husky old man with a white beard and rosy cheeks was waiting patiently … Continue reading

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1.3: Taking a spin with words

I decided to take a big spin on Leslie Silko’s myth of how evil came into the world, and by big, I mean that I changed the whole thing and only kept the ending. Hope you enjoy it! I certainly … Continue reading

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1.2: Distinguishing Culture?

I think it is safe to say, in general terms, that we live in a superficial society. Where it is easy to label people and cultures based on the customs or habits that we see most often in a community. … Continue reading

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1.1: So we think we’re Canadian, eh?

Hello All! Let me introduce myself, my name is Sarah Casorso and I am a fifth year English Literature major. I have very little experience with blogs and I’m pretty sure it actually took me more time to figure out … Continue reading

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