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Saudi Aramco World Magazine

Hi again everyone,

So this post is kind of unrelated to our class, but just wanted to tell you all about this magazine I subscribe to called ‘Saudi Aramco World’. It’s basically a general interest magazine discussing research in various fields except it focuses on Islamic and Middle Eastern topics. Besides the article about Dr. Ahmed Zewail, I also thought this one was pretty interesting:

Basically, it’s about how archaeologists are using Google Earth to examine large-scale ruins (that would easily be overlooked if standing on the ground) over the Saudi and Jordanian deserts. Look at the pictures of these formations – these massive ‘walls’ were precisely designed and measured out hundreds of years ago. At this time, the writers weren’t positive on who built them, and when and why they were built, but the straightness of the lines and exactness of the shapes must have taken considerable mathematic skills – especially considering the massive proportions!

Animals may have been driven into this “barbed arrow” structure; the rounded “hides” at the points may have given cover to hunters.

Here’s what they look like on the ground level:

Viewed from the ground, rough walls of piled stones outline a “keyhole” tomb.


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