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Term Project Ideas

Hey Guys,

Since we have student presentations for the next few weeks, are going to move the discussion about term project ideas here. Please comment and post your ideas! We should decide fairly soon so everybody can start working on things and avoid having all the work pile up until the end.  PS. quick note about marking: Our faculty sponsor, Dr. Dharamsi, whom most of you have met, will likely be marking this project.


term paper. possibly compiled into a published monologue. topic: pick a Muslim scientist and situate them and their contributions in their respective field.

poster/exhibition somewhere (sub? art gallery?). problems: difficult to book. possible solution: booth during I-week? or celebrate research week?

– you tube video. possibly show somewhere on campus. (I LIKE!)

lesson plan for elementary school students. either to be delivered by students in the class or given to teachers. at BCMS or local elementary schools or both?

children’s book

– game? i don’t remember the details of this….

calendar. each page could represent a particular Muslim scientist, OR a field (for example mathematics or chemistry). Give calendar (sell?) to people (like the UBC Dean’s and science professors) to put up in their offices. (I LIKE THIS IDEA. I know the point was brought up that it’s “too easy” or “lazy” BUT i think that if we put the appropriate amount of time into it, we could get it to look very professional, plus perhaps find some funding somewhere…. and its very feasible and will result in a more permanent way of getting our information out there… like how cool would it be if Mr. Toope had this in his office? The dean of science? science advising? professors who you went to see for office hours? etc. etc. etc.!!!)

– aalia

5 Responses to Term Project Ideas

  1. behzadm

    I think the children’s book is really good. And we could work to get that published, and I don’t think it would require a lot of work as it is a children’s book. Also, we could go do a reading of it at some kindergarten or elementary school somewhere…

  2. M. Alkhatib

    I still think an educational tour about what we are doing is a good idea 🙂

  3. halahz

    Hey everyone,
    Not in the class (yet), but I though I’d thow out an idea: have you considered publishing a ‘zine?
    If any of you are unfamiliar with the concept, a ‘zine is a self-published magazine-like piece.
    The class can probably include an interview with a local Muslim scientist, all those pictures that would have gone into the calendar, whatever.
    Good Luck!

  4. Rima

    Hello everybody,
    Why don’t we use the children book as a part of an ‘educational tour.’ Let the tour to be part of the assignment. Hala’s idea about the self-published magazine is great too. We are running out of time. We MUST decide soon.

  5. Raheem Noormohamed

    This is true, time is a factor. I am also very interested in the children’s book, and it could go along with a presentation of some sort. Like Behzad said, in the first comment, we could read it at an elementary school or something of that sort, whether it is BCMA or not.

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