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Final Project Vote;

I still think an instructional tour (to a school) to teach our own community about the contributions of Muslims to the Sciences they are studying is a good idea so I give myself a vote. Either that or informative posters to be posted on the walls of these schools.

Mohamad Abdelwahab

1 Response to Final Project Vote;

  1. behzadm

    I think we should select a project that could be used to reach a wider audience. In addition, I think we could incorporate many of the projects into one wholesome project.
    So, I am in favour of giving a talk to the students that Mohamad was refering to, in addition to educating some non-muslim groups of people. I think for this purpose, A Youtube movie would be best. My second choice would be a children’s book and a poster, the latter for the students Mohamad referred to.

    So, I am in favour of anything that we could use to reach a wide (muslim AND non-muslim) audience.


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