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Chemistry Timeline

So I’m in the midst of putting together my presentation about Chemistry during Islamic Civilizations and I thought I would look up a timeline to better place the contributions of Islamic chemists in the context of the overall development of the science.

Apparently, there aren’t any.

Let’s just say I’m extremely disturbed. I don’t mean to use this blog as a place for ranting but honestly! This is a timeline, entitled “Chronology of Major events in Chemistry” I found posted by (I don’t think she actually wrote it, but not sure) someone who holds a PhD!!

A very similar one can be found here:

and here…,2,70,65?so=a

I’m sure there are many more, all of which group together over 1000 (ONE THOUSAND. Do people not realise there’s something odd about that?) years of extraordinary contributions to the field into a lump entry entitled “Islamic Alchemists” or just “Alchemists.” And then, all of a sudden, the field of “Chemistry” suddenly springs up in the 1700s? That makes sense.

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