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chemists’s opt-out over beliefs

Hey guys i found this interesting article on BBC news. The article is titled “chemists’ opt-out over beliefs: your comments.” This article talks about how some pharmacists in the UK are no longer giving out or supplying drugs that are seen as prohibited in their personal. Obviously the big opt-outs are morning-after pill and contraception. Is that fair for those who don’t believe in the same faith? This also leads me to think and wonder if the Islamic scientists ever discovered a scientific fact or thing (whether it be an invention, drug…) that conflicted with Islam. And if they did what did they do with it ? what about the pharmacy code of ethics, which states “make the care of patients your first concern”. Should one’s own personal beliefs impact the your advice to a patient? This is very closely tied with ethics you can say the same about abortions, transplants, etc. Enjoy the article its very short! Its mostly comments and they’re quite interesting!
Dalia Elramly

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