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Philosophy-Part II

Previous post titled “Philosophy-Part I” was my attempt to think about philosophy in the Golden Age.

In this post, I’d like to think about philosophy after the “Decline”. When you look at the contemporary Middle Eastern society, is it just me or do you also get the feeling that it discourages people from being creative, and asking questions, about anything. Like Muhammad was saying today, if he were to go to the Jordanian Ministry of Education and say “Your education system is bad” he would be in trouble. Same in Iran.

Why is this? Why is it that inquiry is not encouraged? Is it because of the residual tension between the “Islamic Philosophy” and “Philosophy” schools of thought? Is it because we are threatened by becoming completely Western and loosing our culture that we must avoid anything that even resembles Westernness, such as asking questions?

I’m asking you a question: WHY!?

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