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This video really has no relavence to the class it’s just funny.

But I did find a video that has Iqbal(text author) in it. It is a debate between him, another lady and one of those scientists who sees no bonds between religion and science. From the begiinning I was impressed with Iqbal’s writing and I think he shows his intelligence in this piece as well. Its long but its worth watching.

What I started to wonder was in the “Golden Age” or whatever you wanna call it would these kinds of debates take place? In other words would there have been a movement by some scholars to really segregate science from religion? I’m sure the answer is no and I guess all of you would agree, so the scientists at the time had an easier time bringing religious ideas into their work, nobody was there to say “you’re” wrong.” Nowadays someone like Iqbal would have trouble establishing himself as a renowned scientist because of his beliefs…kinda sucks.

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