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Video response: “Islamic Countries Contributions to Humanity” (I like how it’s ‘contributions to humanity’ and not just to science)

I found this video called “Islamic Countries Contributions to Humanity” and what really pulled me in (other than the name obviously) is that it’s made for PBS and that’s the same channel that has Arthur and a bunch of other awesome kids shows 😀 Anyways, on to the actual video.

I really liked how the video highlighted that unlike in Christianity, science and religion aren’t contradictory in Islam which is something that really isn’t known by the average person – as we discussed in class numerous times, ALL religions are always thought to be ‘versus’ or ‘against’ science just because Christianity has often been. Throughout the video there are constant comparisons between the highly advanced technological and social state of the Muslim countries and the ignorant, filthy state of European countries (excluding Spain of course).  It’s a really great video that is suitable for almost any audience (i.e. it doesn’t require background knowledge about Islam and science). One thing I learned from the video was why Muslims created the scientific method – the reason was that they wanted to know why Greek scholars had errors in their research – was it lack of equipment? Improper method? The answer they discovered was affirmative to the latter so they developed the scientific method. Another thing I learned was how the construction of the Gothic cathedrals of Northern Europe was highly influenced by the architecture of the Great Mosque of Cordoba.

The video’s only about ten minutes:

1 Response to Video response: “Islamic Countries Contributions to Humanity” (I like how it’s ‘contributions to humanity’ and not just to science)

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