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I was reading Aalia’s blog titled “A dinnertime conversation” and that got me to think.

I think we, not simply as Muslims but also as individuals who seek truth, are responsible to inform as many people as possible. One main reason I really enjoyed this course was how the book in those early few chapters, described what Islam means, at least during the Golden Age. What I got out of it is that Islam is doing justice for the sake of justice and truth, independent of the hardship or the difficulties you would need to go through. Moreover, I think it is about perseverance. To put it simply, I think it’s about humans working hard to be as best as they can be in all regards.

And I think about Ibn Sina, Razi, Khayyam, Khwarazmi, and so many others. That’s precisely what they did. They were the ones that really pushed themselves to the limits, using as much of their (God endowed) capacities as possible.

I am sometimes inspired by their efforts and think that I must do what I can to spread the truth also; not because it makes me feel good, but simply because the truth is worth it.

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