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Dr.Jamal Badawi

This post is by Dalia(originally made as a comment):

Yesterday (Friday January 22nd) I attended a lecture put on by the MSA where Dr. Jamal Badawi spoke. Dr. Jamal Badawi is an Egyptian born Muslim Canadian professor who now teaches at Saint Mary’s University in Nova Scotia. He is also a well known author of several books and articles on Islam. Yesterday at his lecture, Dr Jamal Badawi mentioned a paper that he wrote about “Muslim Contribution to Civilization.” So being the studious person I am :P I searched it. Unfortunately I don’t have access to the full paper but I did find a summary thing on Below I have provided the link to this paper summary and if you click on “specific examples of some major contributions” this will provide you with some specific examples of Muslim contributions in some major disciplines some of which we will be talking about in our projects! He mentions astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, physics, medicine, geography, agriculture, industry, commerce, history, art and architecture, and others. Hope this helps you guys start your project. He is a quite amazing speaker I recommend you read or even maybe youtube him if you get a chance!

Also if you guys would like to e-mail him to ask him questions or what not his e-mail is:

Here is the link:

Hope this helps, see you in class!

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