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Tentative presentation schedule

Monday, January 25th, 2010

This is our presentation schedule as of now, however dates may change and a couple students still need to be slotted in. The guidelines are in the syllabus and the rubric is on a separate page. Topics: Week 5: Thursday, February 4 The translation movement (Hilary) Engineering (Raheem) Week 6 Mathematics (Celeste) Pharmacology (Reem) Week […]

Dr.Jamal Badawi

Monday, January 25th, 2010

This post is by Dalia(originally made as a comment): Yesterday (Friday January 22nd) I attended a lecture put on by the MSA where Dr. Jamal Badawi spoke. Dr. Jamal Badawi is an Egyptian born Muslim Canadian professor who now teaches at Saint Mary’s University in Nova Scotia. He is also a well known author of […]

Interesting Perspective on the “Decline” of the Islamic Sciences

Monday, January 25th, 2010

Hi all, I read this article for my RELG340 class (Heritage of Islam) and thought it had an interesting, if not controversial perspective on the reason for the “decline” of the Islamic Sciences. It was written by Fazlur Rahman, from his Islam 2nd ed. book in “Chapter 11: Education”. I attached the PDF file here […]

1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in Our World

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010

Hi again, So just one more thing that I thought was interesting: there’s a reading list on Saudi Aramco World’s website and they recommend this book: 1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in Our World. Al-Hassani, Salim T. S.. 2006, Mega Basim, 978-0-9552426-1-8 (2nd ed.), $59.50/£29.50 hbIn 1993, Donald Cardwell, an eminent historian of science at Manchester University, […]

Saudi Aramco World Magazine

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010

Hi again everyone, So this post is kind of unrelated to our class, but just wanted to tell you all about this magazine I subscribe to called ‘Saudi Aramco World’. It’s basically a general interest magazine discussing research in various fields except it focuses on Islamic and Middle Eastern topics. Besides the article about Dr. […]

Modern Science: Dr. Ahmed Zewail on Femtochemistry

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010

Hey everyone, Found this interesting article on modern scientific work: Dr. Ahmed Zewail was the first scientist to record molecular chemical reactions, thus establishing the field of femtochemistry and in 1999  he won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Femtochemistry is the study of microscopic chemical reactions taking place under an extremely short period of time […]


Saturday, January 16th, 2010


Friday, January 1st, 2010

This is the website and blog for the Student Directed Seminar “Science and Civilization in Islam.” This page will serve as a gateway to the course syllabus, readings, assignment descriptions and deadlines and the class writing and video blog. All students will need to create an account with UBC blogs in order to contribute to […]

Hello world!

Monday, December 14th, 2009

Welcome to UBC Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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