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Mobile giant Samsung is releasing a new product: Samsung SmartWatch. Basically, a mini computer that connects you to your Samsung phone via bluetooth technology so you do not have to constantly take our your phone with every “beep” you hear.

How successful will this product be? I would anticipate not very. From a student’s point of view, there is no possibility of paying a large sum of money just so I can have the availability of my phone functions on my wrist, even though my phone is merely in my pocket. The only market I really see for this product would be high income/ business groups that would like to increase efficiency, and by increase efficiency, I mean “Now I don’t have to take out my phone as much”. As well, I anticipate the watch having some technological bugs at first that will create inconvenience for many.

The technology on the watch is nothing too revolutionary either. You can call, text, and use voice control, but the watch itself does not connect to any data network or anything of the sort. In the big picture, the watch really does not add much convenience to normal phone users.

In my opinion, the SmartWatch will not be a success. Watches are made to tell time, and that thought is integrated into most humans heads. If we try to replace the “watch to time” relationship with a new “watch to phone” one in peoples’ heads, I do not see that as a successful marketing strategy whatsoever. Samsung should continue doing what they are doing well, and that is offering a quality product that actively competes with apple.

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