Category Archives: Uncategorized

Describing Communication Technologies

This was a LOT of fun to work on. Chris and I had a big plan on topics we wanted to cover, but ultimately ended up discussing browser-based and desktop software-based word processors for most of it. Apologies for not … Continue reading

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Task 12: Speculative Futures

My first scenario is one where I took the idea of Yuval Noah Harari’s useless class (2017) and tried to imagine what life might be like for this large subset of people. The scope of this is enormous and my … Continue reading

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Task 10: Attention Economy

  I attempted to play the User Inyerface without wearing my typical critical hat. Knowing it was a game about dark patterns and deception, I tried to get into the mind space of visiting any other site, but that proved … Continue reading

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Task 9: Network Analysis

This post is the result of the two authors having a phone conversation while trying to digest the network data on Palladio. After some frustrations, we were able to understand what we were looking at and quickly turned toward analysis.  … Continue reading

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Linking Assignment

Link 1 – A reply to Ian’s post on speech-to-text… Ian,  Great post here. I appreciate your mention of how oral language differs from written via tempo/rhythm, silence, and filler words. I think of a verbal conversation like a tennis … Continue reading

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Task 8: Golden Record Curation

How does one decide what are the appropriate sounds to communicate to another species? I have a hard time believing that what we find “tasteful, pleasing, and entertaining” will be enjoyable for other life forms. Do whales, beetles, baboons, or … Continue reading

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Task 7: Mode Bending

The readings this week on how we think about literacy, literacy pedagogy, and how technologies impact what it means to be literate had me think a lot about my students. In education, I will often hear phrases that resemble “kids … Continue reading

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Task 5: Twine

Winter Outing Twine…what an incredible learning resource! I am going to work on getting my students to work with Twine.  Honesty time: This was difficult for me. I typically find it hard to come up with creative works. Just not … Continue reading

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Task 4: Potato Press

I chose to carve out the word canoe because at this time of the year, in this particular year, I am longing for warmer weather and the recreational activities that come along with it. We own a red canoe and … Continue reading

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Task 3: Voice-to-text

Hi my name is Scott Richmond and I’m going to tell you about the different ways that I like to exercise and relax and be outside in the summer months when I have more free time I’d love to go … Continue reading

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