Empower Them!

It’s no secret in the business world that happy employees will improve your bottom line. People with high job satisfaction are more dedicated to the cause and will improve not only customer service but the company as a whole. How do you achieve employee happiness? One of the most common ways in modern management is employee empowerment*. People are smart rational creatures who want to think for themselves. The mundane hierarchy of old school management is a thing of the past. Employees want the freedom to make decisions so that their job is both challenging and rewarding. Take, for example, WestJet there employee empower style of management has done wonders for the company**. Empowerment mixed with the profit share, meaning employees also have a direct stake in the company, give incentive for employees to do all they can to produce profit for the company. This is a large part of what accounts for WestJet’s success. Looking to their biggest competition the importance of this is clear. Air Canada`s employees were set to strike until they were forced to settle but it still shows dissent in the company***. WestJet’s employee empowerment management causes for huge gains within the company.


* Article: Employee morale firm, says WestJet

** Article: Air Canada Flight Attendants Vote 98% in Favor of Strike

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