Amazon Plans to Burn iPad

Amazon recently announced the launch of their new Kindle Fire tablet. Do they really have a chance in a market that last year was 83% controlled by Apple?* What the Kindle Fire

iPad 2 vs. Kindle Fire***

really will control is the budget market with a list price under $200 (Versus over $500 for the iPad 2). If you’re someone who needs all bells and whistles in your tablet then there really is no contest, but for someone who just wants something functional and affordable the Kindle Fire is going to be hugely attractive. In a market where other tablets have failed miserably, Amazon has a huge point of difference. There is a great number of people will think if a few cameras and microphones are worth over $300. Also going with the name “Kindle” Fire shows that Amazon is willing to risk and expand their hugely successful E-reader brand. With their own site that is visited millions of times a day they already have a huge leg up on advertising and will get into peoples mind as the discount tablet.** With 95,000 orders on the first day it looks like Apple finally might have some competition in the tablet market.***


*Article: Apple iPad to Lead Tablet Market Share in 2011

**Article: Amazon’s Kindle Fire: what the analysts say

***Picture reference 

–Kindle fire:

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