What Does Jobs’ Death Mean for Apple?

Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, has tragically died at age 56*, days after the release of the iPhone 4s. The news has shaken technology lovers everywhere. Apple’s unparalleled technological advances under Jobs have changed the very way the world deals with technology. Jobs stepped down a month ago but his death truly begs the question: what’s next for Apple? There is at least two years of product in the pipeline and a secure hold on much of the market.**What happens when this pipeline runs dry?  There really are only two options: either Apple finds a way to continue to create the innovation that Steve Jobs strived for or allow themselves to slide from the top without his leadership. So now all eyes turn to new CEO Tim Cook, a man raised for the position over the last 5 years by Jobs himself. There is a great deal of confidence both from in and outside the company that the team Steve Jobs developed has the ability to continue to produce the cutting edge technology that deserves to hold the Apple name. In the past Apple proved itself incapable of true success without Steve Job so in truth only time will tell.


Apple Growth Booms with Jobs Return**


* The Life of Steve Jobs

**Article: The Street Journal on Apple

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