RIM Blacks Out

It almost seems like a bad joke on Waterloo, ON based Research in Motion (RIM). The outage on their BBM and e-mail services within days of Apple’s release of the revolutionary iPhone 4s is catastrophic. The new iPhone is the first one to offer an equivalent service to the BBM and with what has happened the already struggling RIM could be in trouble. One of the most important things in business is how a company deals with a crisis situation. RIM’s answer? Free apps. First of all the biggest customer base for Blackberry is large businesses how really couldn’t care less about free apps, they also get 1 month of technical support. Is this enough? The answer is clearly no.  Apple and Android

Stock Price 2011*

OS’s have started to take the corporate market away and RIM must do more to appease customers or they will lose them. On Tuesday RIM announced a new synchronized operating system for tablets and smartphones, the BBX. It almost seems like too little too late. With this recent blunder costing around $26 million** and the stock falling almost 68% since February RIM is going to need some major changes to stay competitive in the modern smartphone world.


*Cost Analysis

** Service now back online

— Blackberry Update last week (is this enough):

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