Canadian Coffee Goes Global

I fully agree with Chole Kim’s idea that Tim Horton’s should work on a global expansion plan. In the multicultural globalized world in which we live it is only rational to expand to the far reaches of the world. Look at the evidence from other businesses. Take, for example, the Chinese food industry in Canada. This industry thrives not only on people from China but all people within Canada. The same will happen with Tim Horton’s. Canadians cover all corners of the globe and would love to see a Tim Horton’s to make the selves feel like there at home. Market demand will be provide by the local people of the countries that Tim Horton’s moves into. That being said this expansion plan makes vitally

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clear the importance of market research. Few cultures around the world thrive on coffee the way that North America does. This makes it extremely important for Tim Horton’s to provide goods that the local people will find enjoyment indulging in, such as perhaps tea. They can learn a lesson from McDonalds serving of alternative in place of beef in places such as India. This shows effective market research that produces a profitable, globalized company.


–Tim Horton’s In Any Language:

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