
There have been a few viral marketing campaigns that have taken off in the last few years. These showcase the power of the internet to reach a large audience on a small budget. The Blendtec “Will it blend?” campaign has, according to it’s CEO, impacted sales, and greatly increased brand awareness to millions. Using comedy to gain the trust and attention of the viewer, the viral videos showcase the Blendtec’s product quality.

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The videos use current events, popular products, and shock value to attract people who would never be looking for a blender, and regardless of their buying intentions, they walk away with brand awareness.

Gillette has used a similar tactic to market it’s Old Spice products. What started as a TV ad, has spread to the internet, providing the same humor to attract viewers, and raise brand awareness. The Old Spice Guy answers random people on twitter, using internet memes, modern lingo, and celebrities to connect with a youth audience.

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Old Spice is attempting to shed the “old man” image of it’s products.

These are just a few ways advertising can become both more enjoyable and effective with a little creative thinking.

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