To repeat what’s be said many times before me: We are exposed to an innumerable amount of product advertisements on a daily basis. For the most part we dismiss most of what we see; It doesn’t apply to us.
I, personally, have no need for maxi-pads, whether they be extra absorbent, or with sport-tuned suspension. It’s a tough sell to say the least. No matter how many times I witness the spilling of blue liquid, Kotex is no closer to making a sale. With the size of some corporate budgets, I can’t imagine the amount of money that’s wasted on promoting products to the wrong audience.
However, advertisements are moving towards a fit custom tailored for the individual. This is made possible through social network sites that have access to user-given personal information, as well as likes, hobbies, repressed childhood memories, and probably your SIN, too.
Our online social networks are only becoming more and more embedded as our phone’s keep us connected 24/7, auto update, as well as provide copious contributions to the fine art of stalking.
It doesn’t take much imagination to predict a future where adds are aimed with supreme accuracy, targeted not only at your unique characteristics, but also your mood, though status updates, where you are, via GPS coordinates, and even your thoughts, using Zuckerberg’s upcoming Facebook ESP app.