Posted by: | 14th Nov, 2010

Cambodia Discussion Questions: Week 1

Boutros Boutros-Ghali – The Landmine Crisis: A Humanitarian Disaster

How has the landmine crisis had an impact on the case study countries we have studied? How does this hinder the country’s rehabilitation process? What can be done to help solve this crisis? How should/can the landmine situation be prioritized?

Steven Lanjouw et al. – Rehabilitating Health Services in Cambodia

In what ways was UNTAC successful and/or unsuccessful in Cambodia?  How can this type of transitional government be applied to other post-conflict societies?

How did the IOs, NGOs, and other key players in post-conflict Cambodia coordinate or fail to coordinate in addressing the nation’s health concerns? Are issues of health generally underfunded in post-conflict regions while most of the aid is distributed towards other areas such as infrastructure rehabilitation?


For the land mines question – I think that for many countries (in particular Mozambique and Angola) responsibility for de-mining does not rest solely on the country in which the mines are located. During the Cold War super powers fought proxy wars in many countries that are now plagued with mines. They supplied different sides with massive amounts weapons which fueled the conflicts. They too are responsible for removing these mines and I think the UN should take a stronger stance on forcing (if that’s even possible) the countries that were implicated to pay up.

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