Posted by: | 28th Nov, 2010

Kitengesa Community Library!

Hi everyone!

I’m pretty sure I mentioned that I’m going to Uganda in January to work with a literacy project in rural Uganda with Go Global ISL – Daniel did this before me! I found out today that I’m going to Kitengesa, the first community library project begun in Uganda! I’m super excited to go and I really do believe that this is an amazing project; community libraries can be more than just our version of a library; they’re community centres, places of learning, and an amazing way to promote literacy and education! It opens up so many opportunities for people to learn how to read and enjoy reading, which opens so many doors and is so important to education, and I think that since last week we all agreed that education was really important in post-conflict settings, I thought I’d share what this project is sort of about!

Kitengesa Community Library was featured on BBC News; it’s a little off I’m sure but you guys can get the jist of it! Here’s also the library’s website so you can see what it’s all about!

Enjoy everyone! =)



Hey Shaheen,

Wow, that sounds incredible. I am really excited for you!! : ) It is so interesting that you point out it is more than just our notion of a “library”. I like the idea of having the children’s mothers reading with them because i think it makes a big difference in their ambition to learn. I am curious to know what quality of books they are reading though… do you know? I couldn’t see it on the website. It was also nice to see that UBC contributed a large amount of money towards the library!

Hey Shima,

Thanks so much! I can’t wait to go =) I totally agree about family involvement in education, and it can also help the adults learn and enjoy reading too!

I’m not 100% sure about the quality of books but this part of the website talked about the selection of books, how many they have for different subjects, how many have been lost, and how many have been damaged.

Hey Shaheen,

I was wondering….is this the Sociology 435 class that Go Global offers? I just got an e-mail asking me if I was interested in going to Uganda through Go Global and was wondering if this is the same thing you are doing?

hmm I just got the email too…it’s probably similar but for me it’s not for credits or anything and I definitely didn’t get any financial help lol =( but what i’m doing is International Service Learning so I imagine they’re connected =)

Jeff, I did the SOCI 435 course in May 2009 before my ISL program that summer. Would recommend it, especially with financial assistance. I liked the way the ISL programs give you a reflective, critical perspective on international development which you then go on to experiment with and build upon in a village setting. Way more of a valuable learning experience than just a one-way volunteering program.

thanks for the feedback!

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