What has been done so far?

Today there have been efforts to make more humane, reduce and even ban the act of commercial seal harvesting.

  • In 1987 the Canadian government banned the hunting of whitecoats which refer to harp seal pups who have not had their first molt. That means that they are hunted usually when they are 25 days old.
  • In 2009 the EU banned seal products from its markets resulting in a sharp decrease in price, demand and overall harvest of seal pelts and other products.
  • Also in 2009 Canada updated its policies on the seal hunt resulting in the three step process described before as well as clear regulations about permits, who is allowed to obtain a permit as well as a two year apprenticeship for new sealers and punishment for not following regulation.
  • A scientific committee as well as the industry advise the government about the TAC (total allowable catch) and is assess each year. Since 2009 that number is far greater than actual harvest with 400000 seals in the TAC but only 35000 seal harvested in 2015.

    Source: http://theresagriffin.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/seal-trade-ban-fb.png

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