What would happen if there was a complete ban?

First off there is the obvious outcome that the animal welfare issues surrounding seal hunting would disappear but the Canadian government has been against this view and they give several different reasons including the following.

  • The current seal hunt is done humanely and in accordance to guidelines that the government has set and is compared to other hunting as well as fishing.
  • As mentioned before, the majority of seal hunters are seasonal workers who’s yearly income is significantly impacted by the seal hunt and these are rural workers with fewer options for employment.
  • First nations people have been hunting seals for many generations and is part of their culture a complete ban of hunting seals may also infringe upon their constitutionally given rights as well the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • Managing the seal population is also another justification for the seal hunt and it is strongly hinted on the DFO website that seal populations are large and may grow out of control as well as direct links being made that grey seals a minor species in terms of the commercial hunt may be causing the Atlantic fishing stocks to not replenish as quickly due to their diet of cod and other marine animals.

    Source: https://vanessatrijoulet.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/seal-eating.jpg?w=459

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