Seal clubbing a controversial topic

Seal clubbing is perhaps one of Canada’s most notorious activities and is the subject of many protests. What makes seal clubbing the target of so many vocal protest is perhaps the bias that humans have towards furry, cute, baby animals. Outline by the DFO ( Department of Fisheries and Oceans) the way to humanely harvest seals include first shooting or striking the top of its cranium followed by palpitation of its skull to ensure both halves of the cranium is crushed (if not strike again) then severing two arteries underneath its flippers and bleeding out for at least a minute before skinning the animal. This is the most proper and humane way of killing seals according to the DFO.


The practice above has many people upset about the practice but another reason why the commercial seal hunt is under so much scrutiny are claims that the hunting often is not done humanely and result in many injuries before a seal is finally killed including shooting injuries due to missed shots, improper strike resulting in needing more strikes, failure to check if seal is dead before skinning.


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