Hong Kong protests and its effect on China’s economy

Original link: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-29430229

This article is talking about the protests that are occurring in Hong Kong against the Chinese governments where people from Hong Kong are protesting in the streets for democracy.

The protesting within the CBD of Hong Kong will cause an upset to Hong Kong economic activity. Throughout time, Hong Kong has been noted to be a huge economic hub for Asia, especially in the financial sector along with other major cities like Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Shanghai. During the period of Hong Kong being a colony of the United Kingdom it served as a pinnacle point to expand and reach consumers in Asia from halfway around the world.

By protesters occupying the CBD area and refusing to work, this will largely impact China’s economic activity because since it has been reabsorbed by the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong has been an epicentre for financial activity assisting in the expansion of China.

It will be interesting to see how long these protests go on for and how much impact it will cause on China’s economy. When will the government draw the line between the importance of politics and the sovereignty of Hong Kong and China’s greater economic prosperity? Having been to Hong Kong many times, there is an obvious difference in terms of lifestyle, culture and identity Hong Kong has compared to China. I analyse that Hong Kong wanting its own political structure is the first of many changes the people of Hong Kong will demand, and the Chinese government must know that accepting the terms of protesters may possibly light the fuse of a larger problem.

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