Windows 10 OS revealed

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Windows has unveiled its new operating system Windows 10, a large move away from its recent Windows 8 system. It is reintroducing its Start menu and reverting back to the successes of Windows XP and steering away from the failures of Windows 8 style

Buying a Windows 8 computer a few months ago was a change for me as I went from Macintosh to a new ASUS windows 8. Similar to a lot of the users of Windows 8 I was initially very lost with the layout and features of the Windows 8 platform. This common problem faced by a lot of the consumers of the Windows 8 largely impacted the sales of Windows. As mentioned in the article, most people are still using the obsolete windows XP version which was successful in its easy to navigate and user friendly style.

The launch of windows 8 was an example to product differentiation as Windows hoped to create a cross platform for all tablet/smartphone/computer but received negative feedback as people who purchased the computers hoped for the traditional easy to use Windows style. This is where the competitors Macintosh soared in sales as their iOS barely changed but only came with easy to adjust to improvements.

By Microsoft reverting back to the Start menu and marketing it as an improved version of the original successful Windows XP will gain popular recognition. This is a classic example of how product differentiation did not work and it is smart for Microsoft to act quickly on this matter to regain its lost market of consumers.

Microsoft being one of the largest companies it was a bold move to drastically change its operating system and in my opinion it should only try to improve what is already has because its brand is well-known and popular for what it has done in the past, so to change it is risky.

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